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Home > Innovation > Research
 Inventive talent
 Research and development
With strong and efficient research and development (R&D), a focus on growth areas and the Emerging Markets, and a national and international network of outstanding partners, we are creating the foundation for innovation and thus the company’s future success. In 2013 a total of 10 million  was spent on research and development. This was equivalent to 10% of sales. The number of employees working in research and development worldwide was 70.
Research collaborations with external partners from academia and industry form an integral part of our innovation strategy. These collaborations and alliances with leading universities, public research institutes and partner companies are supplemented by incubators, crowdsourcing and science hubs in Asia and the United States to tap into external innovative potential using the open innovation approach. Some of our collaborations are supported by public funding.
Reliable, global protection of intellectual property rights is essential for an innovation company like Chuqing. At the end of 2013, we owned approximately 100 valid patent applications and patents worldwide relating to some 50 protected inventions.
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