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Privacy Statement
 Chuqing is aware that the security of your private information from the use of our website is an important concern. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. Therefore we would like you to know what data we maintain and what data we discard. With this privacy statement, we would like to inform you about our security measures.
Collection of Data
You can use our web site without disclosing your personal data. You are not required to provide personal information as a condition of using our site, except as may be necessary to provide you a product or service at your request. When you use our web site, data may be stored for various security purposes. This data may include the name of your internet service provider, the web site that you used to link to our site, the web sites that you visit from our site and your IP-Address. This data could possibly lead to your identification, but we do not use it to do so. We do use the data from time to time for statistical purposes, but maintain the anonymity of each individual user so that the person cannot be identified. In cases when personal data is provided to others to provide you products or services you have requested, or for other purposes you have authorized, we rely on technical and organizational means to assure that applicable data security regulations are followed.
Collection and processing of personal data
Personal data is only collected if you provide it to us, i.e. as part of the registration, through completion of forms or e-mails, as part of an order for products or services, or inquiries or requests about materials being ordered.
The database and its contents remain at our company and stay with our provider. Your personal data is not passed on by us or by our agents for use by third parties in any form whatsoever, unless we have obtained your consent or an official injunction to do so.
Right to Cancel:
You are allowed to cancel your authorization for use of your personal data at any time with regard to future use. All that is required is an e-mail to the e-mail-adress shown in the editorial details.
Use of Cookies:
Cookies are small text files that are stored in the visitor’s local browser cache. Using such cookies it is possible to recognize the visitor’s browser in order to optimize the website and simplify its use. Data collected via cookies will not be used to determine the personal identity of the website visitor. Most browsers are set-up to accept these Cookies automatically. In addition, you can deactivate the storing of cookies or adjust your browser to inform you before the Cookie is stored on your computer.
Chuqing uses technical and organizational security precautions, in order to protect your data from coincidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons. As part of the collection and processing of personal data, all transferred information will be encrypted to prevent misuse of the data by third parties. Our security procedures are continuously revised based on new technological developments.
Please contact the Data Security Chuqing  with any problems, questions or suggestions that you may have. The constant development of the internet requires occasional adjustments to our privacy statement. We retain the right to make changes when necessary.
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